Wednesday, September 13, 2023

You aren't born just to pay bills & die

Affiliate Marketing is just such the smartest way of earning. Rather than trading away your time for money, Affiliate Marketing sets you free. It gives you back your time. You could say you become outright owner of your time. This is how you retire. In style
You have to work but you work just once. Upfront. Once you've got automated sales & marketing systems in place online, you're paid over and over. And then over again, continuously. This is because automated systems never stop working. Never. They run round the clock, & around the world 
People on the other side of the world buy on my web pages while I'm in bed asleep, so I really do earn money in my sleep
This is the next best thing to a pension because it's not necessary to go do a job. I check in on the business for sure, a few emails, but when I want, not when someone tells me. And if I work an hour a day that's 5 hours a week. Max. How many hours do you work a week? 
But this isn't about being clever or smug. This is about you. You have the opportunity to do exactly the same. You just need professional guidance, new understanding, up to date tools and proven tactics. You just need to acquire some new skills
Having a little online business ticking over in the background is so worth the time and effort to get it up and running. This is how you set yourself free. How you can enjoy retirement, even before it's time to retire
And it's so much easier than you imagine. Let me hold you by the hand, guide you every step, all the way to business launch and beyond. I honestly believe you will never find a better opportunity to set yourself up for the most secure & stylish retirement. The retirement you truly deserve

Monday, September 11, 2023

Work when & where you want, online

I remember the first time I came across an online business training opportunity on YouTube, I was convinced it was a scam. They just want my money I thought, and as soon as they've got it, I'll be 99 dollars worse off and left feeling like a fool
But, just 18 months later, I was making passive income online. That's money that flows into my bank account without me having to go to work. This is possible as an affiliate marketer
You still have to work, but you only have to do the work once. As soon as you've put the various automated sales systems in place online, you get paid over, and over, and over...
Learning how to do this is not so different from learning any new skill. You make progress by following a tested, proven, step-by-step programme, and within months you've acquired new capabilities. You DO NOT need to be computer savvy  
Current income is more than my previous income as a woodworker and all it took was around about 12 months study, and putting that study into practice
You could do this alongside your day job
I now do less than 5 hours work a week 
Yes, you read that right, 5 hours a week. Time is my own. The money comes in on auto
Why am I telling you this?
I want to make it as easy for you to understand as possible. You need to know that this way of earning an income is available to you too, it's available to anyone with a laptop computer & the willingness to become a student
There are no special qualifications or experience required, it doesn't matter how old or young you are, you do not have to be a technical whizz or computer geek
You just need to invest in your education and commit a few hours each week to acquiring the necessary understanding
And of course, it's so worth it - no more job, boss or crazy work schedule
These days life feels like early retirement 
Choose the hours that you work, spend time with your loved ones, or doing what you really want to do. You even get to choose where you work because a laptop is all that's required - your office is wherever you happen to be
This is how you realistically retire early
There's now a growing global community of highly mobile individuals, many of them affiliate marketers, travelling the world with their laptops, able to maintain incomes wherever they roam. The term 'digital nomad' has now entered modern-day vocabulary. Income on auto makes this possible
Of course it isn't compulsory to travel, you might just want to work from the comfort of your own home, that's perfectly ok too

Friday, September 8, 2023

Join the new rich

Here's a very short story that should interest you... One of our 62 year old students recently came under the spotlight after posting early earnings from his first digital business. I don't know exactly how long he's been a student but it's months, not years
There's a screenshot below of his earnings as an affiliate marketer. An affiliate marketer is someone who doesn't have his or her own product or service. An affiliate is paid when they promote an offer for a company (like Amazon). It's perfectly possible to work with multiple companies, creating multiple income streams. You do not need your own product or business idea, there are gazillions already out there

What the above screenshot shows is that this affiliate earned (from just one company) $19,640 in September 2022 (and spent $9,272 on Google advertising) and by the 12th of October 2022 had already earned US$13,600 (and spent US$4,803 on Google ads). A profit of $19,165 in just 40 days!
And you know the very best part? It was all earned on Full Auto Online. Automagically! Sales & marketing systems did 100% of the work, made all the sales, and earned every single cent. No one had to show up at work!
If you can tell me where else it's possible to earn this kind of money legally & ethically I'd very much like to hear from you 
And if you're concerned about the amounts of money spent on advertising don't be. You'll be taught how to start advertising from as little as $1 a day and then scale up by reinvesting the commissions as they come in. It's a low cost start, minimal risk strategy

Learn more here > 27 minute free introductory training video

You aren't born just to pay bills & die

Affiliate Marketing is just such the smartest way of earning. Rather than trading away your time for money, Affiliate Marketing ...